Latex Manuscripts#

If you want to write some technical document (report, Ph.D. thesis), you can use a WYSIWYG program such as Word or the Latex language. On this page, I describe how to use the Latex language.

Install Latex#

> Informations from:

Many people use a cloud-based solution such as Overleaf to write Latex. This strategy can be great if you work with a research team, for example. However, before using a cloud-based solution, it is essential to know how to compile a Latex document using your local machine. To compile a Latex document, you need to install a Latex distribution.


Check out the MiKTeX or proTeXt or TeX Live distributions; they contain a complete TeX system with LaTeX itself and editors to write documents.

Mac OS#

The MacTeX distribution contains everything you need, including a complete TeX system with LaTeX itself and editors to write documents.

Latex Editor#

The MikTex or MacTex distributions already contain a Latex editor (TexWorks or TexShop). For large documents, you can also use a customized text editor. My preference goes for VSCode for this kind of stuff.


I’ve created some templates for large document. These templates are mainly inspired from the superb gitlab INRIA template.

Front Cover Back Cover Front Cover Back Cover


To use a template,

  1. Clone the github repo (git need to be installed on your local machine):

$ git clone
  1. Go to the cloned repo and then run :

$ make pdf