Latex Manuscripts ================= If you want to write some technical document (report, Ph.D. thesis), you can use a WYSIWYG program such as Word or the Latex language. On this page, I describe how to use the Latex language. Install Latex ------------- > Informations from: Many people use a cloud-based solution such as Overleaf to write Latex. This strategy can be great if you work with a research team, for example. However, before using a cloud-based solution, it is essential to know how to compile a Latex document using your local machine. To compile a Latex document, you need to install a Latex distribution. Windows +++++++ Check out the `MiKTeX `_ or proTeXt or TeX Live distributions; they contain a complete TeX system with LaTeX itself and editors to write documents. Mac OS +++++++ The `MacTeX `_ distribution contains everything you need, including a complete TeX system with LaTeX itself and editors to write documents. Latex Editor ------------ The MikTex or MacTex distributions already contain a Latex editor (TexWorks or TexShop). For large documents, you can also use a customized text editor. My preference goes for VSCode for this kind of stuff. Templates --------- I've created some templates for large document. These templates are mainly inspired from the superb gitlab `INRIA `_ template. * PhD template for the MathSTIC Doctoral School: .. image:: img/thesis0.png :align: center :width: 30% :alt: Front Cover .. image:: img/thesis1.png :align: center :width: 30% :alt: Back Cover * Report Template for the ENIB students: .. image:: img/enib0.png :align: center :width: 30% :alt: Front Cover .. image:: img/enib1.png :align: center :width: 30% :alt: Back Cover Usage +++++ To use a template, 1. Clone the github repo (git need to be installed on your local machine): .. code :: $ git clone 2. Go to the cloned repo and then run : .. code :: $ make pdf