About Me#


  • 2020: Research Habilitation (Habilitation à Diriger les Recherches), UBO, Brest, France

  • 2008: PhD Thesis (Thèse de doctorat) in Communication Systems, UBO and ENSTA Bretagne, Brest, France (DGA/CNRS Grant)

  • 2005: MRes (Master Recherche) in Signal Processing and Statistics, UTT, Troyes, France,

  • 2004: Dipl. Ing (Diplôme d’Ingénieur) in Computer Science, UTT, Troyes, France.

Work Experience#

  • 2018-: Associate Professor, ENIB, LabSticc, Brest, France,

  • 2008-2018: Associate Professor, UBO, IRDL, Brest, France,

  • 2005: Intership at Orange Labs, Lannion, France,

  • 2004: Intership at Orange Labs, Lannion, France,

  • 2002: Intership at Thales, Brest, France.