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TikZ is a LaTeX package for creating high-quality graphics and diagrams in LaTeX documents.

TikZ allows users to draw complex and detailed diagrams using a syntax that is similar to the LaTeX markup language. It includes a wide range of drawing tools and features, such as paths, shapes, nodes, arrows, and text, as well as the ability to create animations and 3D graphics.

TikZ also provides options for customizing the appearance of the diagrams, such as colors, styles, and line thickness. It can be used to create a variety of diagrams, including flowcharts, circuit diagrams, graphs, and diagrams for mathematical expressions.

TikZ is widely used in academic and scientific communities for creating professional-looking diagrams in research papers, presentations, and other documents.

Import Package


Copy & Paste Diagrams

Basic flow chart

\begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=8em]
    \tikzset{block/.style={draw,rectangle, text width=5em, align=center,minimum height=3.5em,font=\scriptsize}};
    \node (n0) {};
    \node[block, right of=n0, node distance=6em] (n1) {Block \\ 1};
    \node[block, right of=n1] (n2) {Block \\ 2};
    \node[block, right of=n2] (n3) {Block \\ 3};
    \node[right of=n3, node distance=6em] (n4) {};
    %make connections
    \draw[->,>=latex] (n0)--(n1);
    \draw[->,>=latex] (n1)--(n2);
    \draw[->,>=latex] (n2)--(n3);
    \draw[->,>=latex] (n3)--(n4);

Electrical Circuit

    \draw (0,0)
    to[R, l=$R$,-] (3,0)
    to[C, l=$C$, *-] (3,-2)
    to[short](3,-2)   node [ground] {};
    \draw (-0.5,0)
    to[short, l_=$V_{in}$](-0.5,-2)   node [ground] {};
    \draw (-0.5,0) coordinate[inputarrow,rotate=90];
    % output
    \draw (4,0)
    to[short, l=$V_{out}$](4,-2)   node [ground] {};
    \draw (4,0) coordinate[inputarrow,rotate=90];
  • List of electrical circuits : github

Released under the MIT License.