Research and Academic

This page presents my list of research and educational projects

List of Projects (2)

Creation of the Lab OPTIC


The Lab’OPTIC is the fruit of several decades of collaboration: Orange and three institutions, IMT Atlantique, ENIB and ENSSAT, have announced the creation of a joint laboratory dedicated to optical telecommunications, Lab’Optic. The agreement, signed for a renewable period of 5 years, will give rise to a laboratory with a staff of around twenty researchers, plus doctoral students and technical staff. It will be run by four co-presidents, with a steering committee, and will be supported by the Institut Foton and Lab-STICC laboratories.

STM32 Music Synthesizer


This project focuses on the development of an audio sound synthesizer using the STM32F7 Discovery Board and a MiniLab MIDI controller from Arturia. Participants will construct a digital oscillator of low complexity, interface with the MIDI controller to retrieve necessary data, and implement both digital filters and time-varying envelopes. The use of an oscilloscope will allow for the monitoring of audio signals, providing students with practical insights into the technical aspects of sound engineering.