Digital Oscillators =================== In this tutorial, we shows how to generate a digital waveform using a lookup table. Specifically, we focus on the generation of a sine waveform, but this tutorial can be easily extended to other waveforms such as triangle or sawtooth waveforms. Sine Wave Waveform ------------------ A sine wave is mathematically described by : .. math :: x(t) = \sin(2\pi f_0 t) * :math:`f_0` corresponds to the fundamental frequency. In the digital domain, the sine wave can be obtained by evaluating :math:`x(t)` for :math:`t=n/f_s` where :math:`n \in \mathbb{N}` and :math:`f_s` is the sampling frequency. When using the C language, the function :math:`x[n]=x(n/fs)` can be evaluated naively using the :code:`sin` function of the library :code:`math.h`. Nevertheless, it is important to note that the evaluation of trigonometric functions has a relatively large computational cost. In this tutorial, we describe an alternative low-complexity implementation based on a wavetable oscillator. Wavetable Oscillator -------------------- To reduce the computational complexity, one solution is to store in memory a single full cycle of a reference waveform. For a sine wave, the reference waveform is given by : .. math :: x[n] = \sin(2\pi n/N) * :math:`N` corresponds to the length of the wavetable. .. plot :: :include-source: false import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from scipy import signal N = 128 n = np.arange(N) x = np.sin(2*np.pi*n/N) plt.stem(n, x) plt.grid() plt.xlabel("$n$") plt.ylabel("$x[n]$") plt.xlim([0, N-1]) The fundamental frequency of this waveform depends on the sampling frequency :code:`f_s`. By reading each sample of the wavetable sample by sample, we can synthesize a periodic waveform with a fixed fundamental frequency : .. math :: f_{0}=f_s/N~~[Hz]. Controlling the Fundamental Frequency ------------------------------------- Instead of generating a periodic signal with a fixed frequency, a synthesizer must be able to generate a periodic signal with a time varying frequencies :math:`f_{0}`. In this subsection, we shows how to modify the rate at which the samples are read in the wavetable to control the frequency :math:`f_{0}` of the waveform. Let us denote by :math:`y[n]` the :math:`n^{th}` output sample and let us consider that :math:`y[n] = x[m]`. To synthesize a waveform with fundamental frequency :math:`f_{0}`, the next output sample can be expressed by : .. math :: y[n+1] = x[m+\Delta] * :math:`\Delta=N\frac{f_0}{f_s}` corresponds to the phase delta (increment) between two adjacent samples. In the above expression, the next index :math:`k=m+\Delta` is not always an integer as illustrated in the above figure. To obtain the value of :math:`x[k]`, two solutions are commonly used. .. plot :: :include-source: false import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from scipy import signal N = 128 n = np.arange(N) x = np.sin(2*np.pi*n/N) plt.stem(n, x) plt.axvline(22.75, color="r", linestyle="--") plt.text(22.7, -0.1, 'k', color="r") plt.grid() plt.xlabel("$n$") plt.ylabel("$x[n]$") plt.xlim([20.5, 25.5]) plt.ylim([0, 1]) Zero order Interpolation ++++++++++++++++++++++++ When the index :math:`k` is not an integer, a simple solution is to truncate the value of :math:`k` to the greatest integer less than or equal to :math:`k`. Specifically, we can Mathematically, the next output sample is then given by : .. math :: y[n+1] = x[\lfloor k \rfloor] * :math:`\lfloor . \rfloor` corresponds to the rounding operator. For example, :math:`\lfloor 3.21 \rfloor=3` and :math:`\lfloor 5.98 \rfloor=5`. Linear Interpolation ++++++++++++++++++++ To improve the oscillator quality, another solution is to estimate the value of :math:`y[n+1]` from the two nearest samples using an interpolation algorithm. Using a linear interpolation, the next output sample can be expressed as : .. math :: y[n+1] = x_l + \alpha (x_r-x_l) * :math:`\alpha = k-\lfloor k \rfloor` is a weighting coefficient (:math:`0\le \alpha<1`), * :math:`x_l=x[\lfloor k \rfloor]` and :math:`x_r = x[\lfloor k \rfloor+1]` corresponds to two adjacent samples. C Implementation ---------------- The following code shows a possible C implementation for the wavetable synthesizer. .. code :: c void oscillator(double *buffer, double f0, int fs, double *currentIndex, int size) { double coef; float index = *currentIndex; float delta = N*(f0/(1.0*fs)); int index_l, index_r; int n; for(n=0; n N) { index -= N; } } *currentIndex = index; //export index } Verification ------------ I recommend to check the validity of the C code by comparing the output of the C and Python implementation. * First, compile the C code as a shared library .. code :: $ gcc -fPIC -shared my_lib.c -o * Then, run the following python code. .. code :: import ctypes import numpy as np from numpy.ctypeslib import ndpointer import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from scipy import signal # import C function lib = ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary("./") oscillator = lib.oscillator oscillator.restype = None oscillator.argtypes = [ndpointer(ctypes.c_double, flags="C_CONTIGUOUS"), ctypes.c_double, ctypes.c_size_t, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double), ctypes.c_size_t] # parameter fs = 44100 f0 = 134.23 # create oscillator t = np.arange(0, 0.02, 1/fs) x = np.sin(2*np.pi*f0*t) # allocate arguments and call the C function N = len(t) y = np.zeros(N) currentIndex = ctypes.c_double(0.0) oscillator(y, f0, fs, ctypes.pointer(currentIndex), N) # plot the result plt.plot(t, x, label="Python") plt.plot(t, y, "--", label="C") plt.grid() plt.xlabel("$t$") plt.ylabel("$y_l[n]$") plt.xlim([0,t[-1]]) plt.legend() .. image:: img/sinewave.png :width: 100% :alt: Comparison of Python and C implementation References ---------- * JUCE C++ implementation: