Python 3 ======== * Source: Basics ------ Data Types ++++++++++ .. list-table:: :widths: 25 75 :header-rows: 1 * - Data Type - Examples * - Integers - :code:`-2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5` * - Floating-point numbers - :code:`-1.25, -1.0, --0.5, 0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.25` * - Strings - :code:`'a', 'aa', 'aaa', 'Hello!', '11 cats'` * - Lists - :code:`['John', 'Peter', 'Debora', 'Charles']` * - Tuples - :code:`('table', 'chair', 'rack', 'shelf')` * - Dictionaries - :code:`{'color': 'red', 'age': 42}` Control Flow ------------ :code:`if` statements +++++++++++++++++++++ .. code :: if name != 'George': print('You are not George') .. code :: if name != 'George': print('You are not George') else: print('You are George') .. code :: if name == 'Debora': print('Hi Debora!') elif name == 'George': print('Hi George!') else: print('Who are you?') :code:`while` Loop statements +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ .. code :: spam = 0 while spam < 5: print('Hello, world.') spam = spam + 1 :code:`for` loop ++++++++++++++++ .. code :: pets = ['Bella', 'Milo', 'Loki'] for pet in pets: print(pet) .. code :: for i in range(5): print(f'Will stop at 5! or 4? ({i})') Operators --------- Math Operators ++++++++++++++ .. list-table:: :widths: 25 50 25 :header-rows: 1 * - Operators - Operation - Example * - :code:`**` - Exponent - :code:`2 ** 3 = 8` * - :code:`%` - Modulus/Remainder - :code:`22 % 8 = 6` * - :code:`//` - Integer division - :code:`22 // 8 = 2` * - :code:`/` - Division - :code:`22 / 8 = 2.75` * - :code:`*` - Multiplication - :code:`3 * 3 = 9` * - :code:`-` - Subtraction - :code:`5 - 2 = 3` * - :code:`+` - Addition - :code:`2 + 2 = 4` Comparison Operators ++++++++++++++++++++ .. list-table:: :widths: 25 75 :header-rows: 1 * - Operator - Meaning * - :code:`==` - Equal to * - :code:`!=` - Not equal to * - :code:`<` - Less than * - :code:`>` - Greater Than * - :code:`<=` - Less than or Equal to * - :code:`>=` - Greater than or Equal to Boolean Operators +++++++++++++++++ Operator :code:`and` ```````````````````` .. list-table:: :widths: 25 75 :header-rows: 1 * - Expression - Result * - :code:`True and True` - :code:`True` * - :code:`True and False` - :code:`False` * - :code:`False and True` - :code:`False` * - :code:`False and False` - :code:`False` Operator :code:`or` ``````````````````` .. list-table:: :widths: 25 75 :header-rows: 1 * - Expression - Result * - :code:`True or True` - :code:`True` * - :code:`True or False` - :code:`True` * - :code:`False or True` - :code:`True` * - :code:`False and False` - :code:`False` Operator :code:`not` ````````````````````` .. list-table:: :widths: 25 75 :header-rows: 1 * - Expression - Result * - :code:`not True` - :code:`False` * - :code:`not False` - :code:`True`